Problem while compressing a x64 DLL from the command line

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Problem while compressing a x64 DLL from the command line

Post by severino »


I'm trying to launch eXPressor from the command line in order to compress a x64 DLL file but I'm getting an error. I'm actually working on a x86 Windows 7 machine.

The name of the file is AdjMmsEng64.dll and the command line in use is the following:

expressor.exe "C:\Developments_sound_2006\adjstud\Release_x64\AdjMmsEng64.dll" -d"C:\Developments_sound_2006\adjstud\Release_x64\packed\AdjMmsEng64.dll" -lm3 -mp -uwl -r 2 -s 2 -e

When I launch this command line, something strange happens:
- the destination file, specified through the "-d" option is not created at all inside the destination folder (I've also tried to omit the filename and to only put the destination directory full path); the file is compressed but inside the same directory of the source file with the "Pk" suffix on the filename.
- at the end of the compression process, the user interface gives a result OK but then hangs: if I click the dialog I get the error "eXPressor MFC application has stopped working"

Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks and Kind Regards

Severino Delaurenti
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Post by CGSoftLabs »


Thanks for reporting.

Reproduced and fixed the crash at the end when starting from cml (conversion bug vs6 to vc8; it seems that no one uses cml since this should happen after 1.6 versions); also fixed the new dir creation failure bug.

Hoping that the dll compresses normally from the main interface, a workaround should be to output the file in an existing folder; but the crash at the end it will remain.

The fix will be available in the next version which between us I don't know when it will be available :)
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Post by severino »


would it be possible to receive the fixed .exe only?

Kind Regards

Severino Delaurenti
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